January Announcements

Happy New Year!

With the new year we have some new programs, and some old programs returning. Yoga with Molly is coming back to the Baughman Community Room. If your New Year's resolution is to focus on your health and well-being, yoga could be a stepping stone on that path.

Our new Project: Sew program provides you with the opportunity to try different sewing projects throughout the year on your own time. Each month, we'll have instructions for different projects. As long as there isn't another program in the Fireplace Room, you'll be able to use our resources along with your materials. Just look for the Project: Sew tote. I will be on hand on Wednesday evenings if you have questions.

Our regular Make It!, Crafternoon and Card Making with Natalie will continue in the new year. Keep reading to see all that we have planned. We also continue with our Sci Fi Book Club and the Library Book Club. We'll keep bringing you the weekly Thursday Movie Matinee, as well. Scroll down to watch the trailers of our upcoming titles.

January is also the time for our Annual Meeting. If you have a library card with us, you are part of the Greenville Area Public Library Association and welcome to attend the Annual Meeting. It will be held on January 16 at 5pm in the Baughman Community Room.

And, lastly, I'm happy to announce that we have a brand new Beanstack Challenge for 2024. Check it out. "Adventure Is Out There" challenges you to take a step out of your comfort zone and out of your front door to explore the world around you! Click on the Beanstack image to sign up and begin your adventure. You can join us off-line this year, as well. Check out the display in the fiction department and grab a paper copy of the challenge.

I hope we see you soon!

Jeanne Ball, Director

Mandy Graul